
By Jef132 (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (, via Wikimedia Commons

I’ve never experienced that moment where you jump out of a plane thousands of feet in the air, and just completely dip over hundred miles per, while returning back to earth. The thrill, and adrenaline that come with the territory must be exciting, and scary at the same time. I’ve always wanted to go skydiving, and I think I’m going to make it a goal to do in the summer. But, I can’t help but to think about the whole process leading up to it. How does one mentally prepare for this risky free-fall? But then again, risk is something we encounter everyday. Anything can happen, at any given moment, even the craziest things. I never though that I’d read that coconuts kill people, let alone 15 times more than sharks do. But, I’m sure there are more shark attacks, and the variable that is left out is that people are missing limbs, although alive. Obviously death is the worst outcome, so I’m not challenging that at all. Anyways, back to skydiving!

I think the thing I look forward the most about skydiving would be the view while your free falling. That’s an experience like no other, and it only last so long. Of course, you can always do it again, but every first experience is special. All I know is that it’s bound to be a great time, and I plan on doing it as it’s something on the bucket list. I’m no adrenaline junkie, but I look forward to get the ole blood flowing, and order a side of goosebumps!

I’ll end this with a question, have you ever gone skydiving, and how was the experience leading up to, during, and after it was over?

3 thoughts on “Skydiving

  1. I want to go skydiving too!! I think the answer to your question is obvious :p My brother Tom and his girlfriend Nicole went in Cali. They had the most amazing experience ever!! Next time you come over Kenny, remind me that we have to watch the video. Tom said that he “was scared as shit,” but he said that once he let go and jumped that it was such a thrill and so liberating. He thought he would have that butterfly feeling in his stomach and was surprised when he didn’t. He felt like he was just floating and swimming once the shoot opened up. I want to go with you!! We should rally up the troops and get a group discount. When is your birthday again?

    • Yes definitely, let’s go together! I’m down to go whenever, although I prefer going when it’s warmer out. My birthday is February 1st btw.

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