
Lying is something we do everyday. The thing I find fascinating about lying, is if it’s good or bad. I mean, we always say in certain scenario’s it’s better to lie than tell the truth, but do we really know that to be the case? I’m not doubting it isn’t sometimes, and I’ve certainly done it protect someone else or even myself. But, we never really can know something without it actually happening. Sure, we make predictions, which we base on patterns. These patterns are consistent, which enables us to think we know what to do. But again, in essence, we really have no idea, and it’s more or less like playing a game of chance.

By Name invalid (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

To end the above ramble, I’d like to point out in my opinion some positives, and negatives of lying. I’ll start with the negatives. I’ve always made it a habit to be an honest person, but sometimes you can’t be Abraham Lincoln all the time. I think one of the worst things about a lie, is having to live with it every day. Not being able to tell someone, and just having it eat away at your insides like a zombie. It becomes a real problem too, and it can affect your daily life, which is crazy to think. I can remember not being able to sleep, and just wanting to express the truth to someone. But than again, doing so would completely “destroy me”. It sorta did because now I have to live with that moment in the back of my head, and it was because I was too proud to admit fault before it became a real problem. A single lie, not only formed a regret, but a memory that can’t be shaken. Another negative which hinges off what I mentioned just before to a degree, is the consequences that come with a lie. Depending on the lie, and whom you are lying too, decides the severity of it. This is such a broad topic though, and I can literally throw out tons of consequences, but I’m sure you get the gist. Lastly, it just delays the inevitable. It’s bound to come out eventually, and duration is not always your friend.

The positives, again are dependent on how you look at lying. Everyone has different perspectives, so this is just, what I believe. I feel as if lying can protect someone, or even yourself as I mentioned before. There are certain situations, where to be blunt, isn’t the right thing to do, at least morally. If I don’t like a Christmas gift , I’m not going to tell them, this flat out sucks. Obviously we think nothing bad of the situation, but by holding back our real emotions, we are lying. It’s probably for the best though because who really wants to verbally assault someone over a “gift”. Or how about when your friend ask you if they look good? Are you really going to tell them that they look bad? No, your going to lie, and boost their self-esteem for the moment by lying. I think another positive to lying is that it can help us get a job, or some type of income. Obviously this is not always the case, and morally it isn’t the right way to approach the situation, but life ain’t always easy. I feel as if some companies demand way to much on a person’s resume, and they hire someone who isn’t necessarily better for the job, it’s just that their credentials outweigh that. There are many other factors, and I’m sure with unemployment this high, lying about references, or past work is a norm at this point. I can see why it would be a negative as well, and I’m not out to get companies because for some (the one’s not getting bailed out), they are going through the same pains as the individuals.

I’m not really sure as to why I started writing about this but it just came to my today. I could ramble about lying all day too, and go back and forth about the aspects of it. But, I think I get the point across I was trying to make. I love to talk about life, and I think lying is an essential part of it, I mean we do it everyday. 

Why I’m Starting a Blog

As I start this blog, I wonder what I can accomplish. Will my writings go unseen, as if I was writing a personal journal, or will I capture the hearts of some readers. I’m hoping the second part of that because most of what I’ll talk about will be relatable to many people, and I’d love to hear various voices on matters.

My title of this first post says “Why I’m Starting a Blog”, and I’ll answer that now. I’m starting a blog with the intention of connecting with other people. Life is such a treasure, and I feel obligated to tell my stories, and possibly hear yours. Now my other intention as the name of my blog is “lifeandamilliondollars”, is to actually earn a million dollars. Yes, I know that might be an unimaginable thing to accomplish, but I’m going to try, and my perseverance will not be under utilized. Obviously this task will be tough to accomplish, but I’m going to think of ideas, and follow through with them to reach my goal. Now, In my lifetime I do not expect to see that money, which is why I think with the help of others, I can reach that goal. I want to tear down that barrier and make the word impossible disappear. It’s going to certainly be a quest, and I hope to have some people on the ride. I’ll be sure to give back with my posts, and who knows if this really works, I’d consider doing something for my readers to give back per say. My dream is just taking off, and I have no intentions of backing down. This is the beginning of what I call, the quest of my life.