Million Dollar Quest Idea #1

My quest for a million dollars begins hours before 2013 begins, a year in which I hope to get things going with this blog. My first idea, is a very simple one, and I do not have high expectations for it. But, if it does generate money towards my goal, than it helps no matter what.

By BazzaDaRambler [CC-BY-2.0 (, via Wikimedia Commons

I added a donation button that will appear on the sidebar to the right, and also it is located on the page: Support My Quest

Do not feel obligated to donate, or anything. This is just simply my first idea, in my quest to reach my goal.


As I start my blog, this might be an odd subject to start on but I recently have gone through a gambling phase, and I’d like to share my experience.

Gambling can become extremely addicting, and when you win, you get the taste of wanting more. That’s exactly what happened to me, and it’s things like this, you wish you could travel back in time. Now my experience might not be as bad as others, but I fell trap to the same mistakes that come with it certainly. I have a niche for correctly picking sports right, and I put it to the test with the incentive of making money. I was extremely successful to start, and I’m at my best picking UFC fights usually. I invested $500 dollars, and in about 2 weeks I was up to $14,000. At that point I withdrew $2,500 dollars, and everything went smoothly. After that, it’s an honest blur as to what happened, and I lost just about all of it. I look back, and say it’s not all that bad because I made out winning money, but still. I think the the fact that I let greed take me over, made me re-evaluate not only what I was doing but myself. There is a light to this though, and that was the experience. I can say this experience taught me some lessons that further strengthened me. For one, I used to think I had great self control, but I was proved I’m not invulnerable, which also attributes to just being human. I think though, the greatest thing I learned is that there are no true winners when it comes to gambling because it changes you as a person. I used to love watching sports for the pure enjoyment of an exciting game, but I found myself sweating bullets during games, often yelling at the screen like that would help in some way.

I suggest all together though to stay away from gambling. There is a higher chance you lose than you win, and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. Even these so called expert websites get most of their picks wrong, and the only money they are getting is from the consumer buying into their program/subscriptions. I certainly do not condone gambling, and I think if you do try it, only do it on select days, and do not wager a lot. It’s all about limiting yourself.

Why I’m Starting a Blog

As I start this blog, I wonder what I can accomplish. Will my writings go unseen, as if I was writing a personal journal, or will I capture the hearts of some readers. I’m hoping the second part of that because most of what I’ll talk about will be relatable to many people, and I’d love to hear various voices on matters.

My title of this first post says “Why I’m Starting a Blog”, and I’ll answer that now. I’m starting a blog with the intention of connecting with other people. Life is such a treasure, and I feel obligated to tell my stories, and possibly hear yours. Now my other intention as the name of my blog is “lifeandamilliondollars”, is to actually earn a million dollars. Yes, I know that might be an unimaginable thing to accomplish, but I’m going to try, and my perseverance will not be under utilized. Obviously this task will be tough to accomplish, but I’m going to think of ideas, and follow through with them to reach my goal. Now, In my lifetime I do not expect to see that money, which is why I think with the help of others, I can reach that goal. I want to tear down that barrier and make the word impossible disappear. It’s going to certainly be a quest, and I hope to have some people on the ride. I’ll be sure to give back with my posts, and who knows if this really works, I’d consider doing something for my readers to give back per say. My dream is just taking off, and I have no intentions of backing down. This is the beginning of what I call, the quest of my life.